Swimming Pool Anodes & Water Bonding
LTB-1, ZAD-1, ZBI-1
These anodes fight galvanic corrosion and surface staining.
LTB-1 Pool Water Bond via the Pool Pump
Connects to Pool Pump's bonding wire. (Shown Above)
Installs in pump strainer pot via the drain plug port.
Stainless steel construction.
Meets requirements of NEC 680 (C).
Patent Pending by CMP.

ZAD-1 Sacrificial Zinc Anode
Attaches to any skimmer basket.
Doubles as a "hold down" weight.
Fights Galvanic Corrosion and surface staining.

ZBI-1 Inline Sacrificial Anode & Water Bond
Protects the pool from Galvanic Corrosoin.
Replaceable zinc anode last approximately 2 years.
Patent Pending by CMP.
You may purchase these items:
Pool Water Bond via Pump (LTB-1) for $30.85
Sacrificial Zinc Anode (ZAD-1) for $28.54
Inline Sacrificial Anode & Water Bond (ZBI-1) for $83.06
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